Meet Mathilde!

Target Global
4 min readApr 17, 2023


Our growth team has an exciting new addition as we welcome our first team member from Scandinavia! Hailing from Norway, Mathilde joins us from seed fund Arkwright X where she focused on B2B companies across Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. She’s also a former operator and consultant with incredible insight into the start-up scene across the region. Check out our recent conversation with her about why she decided to make the move to London, who her favorite four legged friends are, and much more!

1. You began your career as a consultant, what made you want to make the jump into the world of VC?

I’m the kind of person who loves to be in the midst of the action when exciting things are happening. I also have a curious nature and am constantly looking for new challenges to dig into. I can’t think of a better environment to satisfy these aspects of my personality than in VC.

As a consultant, you have to put into motion the same frameworks, rules and tools in order to get the job done consistently. What I love about the venture industry is its high pace and dynamic nature which forces you to challenge preconceptions and learn new things on a daily basis.

To learn from so many talented entrepreneurs and work closely with people who are so passionate about what they do, is extremely motivating and rewarding.

2. What are you most looking forward to in working at Target Global and with our portfolio?

Oh many things! I am excited to be working within a more mature ecosystem since Norway’s start-up scene and venture industry is still at a relatively nascent stage.

I am also excited about the possibilities that Target’s wide geographical focus presents given the huge variety in sectors, verticals and company sizes that it invests in.

Most importantly, I was so impressed by everyone I met and the breadth of experience and skills the team offered was certainly a deciding factor for me when I chose to make the move.

3. What makes the Nordic VC scene unique?

The Scandinavian startup scene is interesting for many reasons. First, across these countries, both individuals and businesses tend to be early adopters of new technology, making them open to testing new solutions and products. Also, the generous welfare systems across the region gives people the confidence and protection needed to try something high risk, like setting out on the entrepreneurial journey.

Also, the majority of companies operate in a very flat way meaning employees at all levels are encouraged to contribute to innovation and decision making. This structure empowers people to try new things and to think outside the box, which in turn lends itself to the creation of many innovative processes and products.

4. Tell me about your decision of moving from Oslo and coming to London. What was the most difficult aspect?

Leaving behind Theo, the dog I adopted at the start of Covid-19. This “big city life” would not have been optimal for him, so unfortunately, he must stay in Oslo with my family. I am such a dog person, so if there is anyone in need of a dog-sitter here in London, I am your girl!

5. What are you most proud of in your career so far?

When I joined my previous fund Arkwright X, we were a newly established fund without a long track record or proof of concept. Despite that, we were able to gain the trust of some incredible companies. The belief these entrepreneurs had in us as investors and advisors came with a lot of responsibility but also was immensely rewarding.

6. What sectors are you most interested in investing in?

I’ll be looking at all sectors but will be keeping a special eye out for fintech companies. I am also excited to look at climate tech companies as I think the world of venture has an important role to play in addressing the immense challenge our planet is currently facing.

7. What’s the best piece of advice anyone’s ever given you?

My dad always said, “Remember that the journey is the destination” — a constant reminder to always enjoy the ride rather than rushing through life.

A few of my favorite things…

Book: “The Eight Life” by Nino Haratischwili

Food: Ricotta and spinach ravioli (or pretty much any kind of pasta) 🍝

Place: Hemsedal, a small mountain town in Norway where my family hails from. My favorite place to relax and connect with nature.

Unicorn: Remarkable, they killed the myth that you cannot build a consumer tech company out of Norway

Sport: Skiing 🎿

Quote: “People overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in 10 years.” — Bill Gates



Target Global

Leading European tech VC with €3B+ AUM. Known for backing fast-growing startups & capitalizing on overlooked opportunities. 15+ unicorns, 21 exits, 7 IPOs.